6 Simple Sustainable Cleaning Tips

Choosing to be sustainable is easy because there are so many ways to be more eco-friendly. Whether it’s related to carpet cleaning, washing your clothes, or purchasing stylish shoes, you can make simple changes today.

Go for reusable cleaning cloths

Using reusable clothes is a more sustainable practice
Using reusable cloths

Plastic-packaged paper towels are extremely detrimental to the environment. The production of paper towels contributes to deforestation. Deforestation results in habitat loss and wildlife endangerment. This then leads to dangerously higher greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore, increasing global temperatures. 

Furthermore, single-use paper towels are an expense that all of us could live without. Opting for reusable cleaning cloths will save you a lot of cash. 

To be extra sustainable, you can reuse old clothes or towels as washable cloths.

Open your windows

Opening your windows

The air in your house can get stale and stuffy, especially during the summer. Occasionally, the air quality inside your home can be less healthy than the air quality outside. This is because your house may contain pet fur, pollen, mold, and chemicals. These can easily trigger someone’s allergies or asthma. Rather than using air fresheners, open up your windows for fresh air.

If you cannot survive without air fresheners, then you can create your own natural version. You can boil cinnamon or lemons for a more sustainable air freshener. You can also use some house plants as they can remove toxins and clean up the air in your house.


Experiment with homemade cleaning solutions

Experiment with homemade cleaning solutions
Experimenting with homemade cleaning solutions

You can create your own cleaning solution by using items in your pantry. By using this sustainable practice, you successfully avoid harsh chemicals and create a safer alternative for your family. In addition to these benefits, you limit how many toxins are leaking into the waterways and reduce your plastic usage. This could also be an extremely fun activity you and your loved ones could do together. 


Carpet cleaning with old toothbrushes

Reusing your old toothbrushes

Rather than throwing out old toothbrushes, use them to make your house cleaner. Narrow brushes are extremely effective for cleaning hard-to-reach areas, such as in-between tiles, around the edges of tubs and faucets, and for cleaning dust on air vents. You can also use them for carpet cleaning as toothbrushes are excellent for removing small stains.

Other things you can repurpose are candle or food jars. They can be used as desk organisers, or kitchen and bathroom storage options. You can also use coffee grounds as an abrasive cleaner.


Purchase laundry liquid refills 

Laundry liquid refills will mean reduced levels of plastic wastage

Using laundry liquid refills

This is such an easy and simple trick to getting rid of all those bulky plastic bottles that take up precious space in your household and ruin the environment. By purchasing laundry refills, you avoid toxic chemicals and plastic packaging. In addition, you also save a lot of money by purchasing refills.  


Look for third-party certifications

Eco-friendly products
Shopping products with third-party certifications

You can choose to be more sustainable in your lifestyle other than using eco-friendly cleaning products too. Find stamps from third-party certifiers such as Fairtrade, B corp, and Rainforest Alliance Certified, before purchasing a trendy pair of shoes or the next most stylish jacket. You can also opt for second-hand clothing or products.


Carpet Cleaning Melbourne Services 

If you are looking for a carpet cleaning Melbourne service, we are here for you!

We are an Australian owned family business with over 30 years of experience. Our professionally trained and certified technicians offer high-quality services. We also offer a variety of services such as mattress cleaning, upholstery cleaning, water damage as well as rug cleaning Melbourne services. 

Get in touch with us if you have any concerns, queries, or are looking for advice. You can also visit our website for more information.

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