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Identifying and Dealing with Pest Infestations

Pest infestations can cause significant damage to homes and pose health risks to occupants. Identifying and addressing these infestations early is crucial to maintaining a safe and healthy living environment.

Read on as we discuss termites, one of the most destructive pests, and provide detailed information on how to identify, prevent and treat termite infestations. If you suspect a termite problem, seeking professional help from Drymaster can ensure your home is protected.

Understanding Termites

What Are Termites?

Termites are small, pale insects that feed on cellulose, primarily found in wood. They live in colonies and can cause extensive damage to wooden structures. The most common types in Australia are subterranean, drywood, and dampwood termites. Each with distinct characteristics and preferred habitats.

What Do Termites Look Like?

Identifying termites involves recognising the different castes within a colony: workers, soldiers, and reproductives.

  • Workers: Small, creamy-white, and wingless, workers are responsible for feeding the colony and maintaining the nest.
  • Soldiers: Slightly larger than workers, soldiers have large heads with powerful mandibles used for defence.
  • Reproductives: Darker in colour, often brown or black, with wings during their swarming phase. After mating, they shed their wings and establish new colonies.

What Colour Are Termites?

Termites are generally pale in colour, ranging from white to light brown. The specific shade can vary depending on the species and the termite’s role within the colony.

Identifying Termite Infestations

What Are the Signs of Termites?

Recognising the signs of a termite infestation early can prevent extensive damage. Here’s how to spot termites:

  1. Mud tubes: Subterranean termites build mud tubes to travel between their colony and food sources. These tubes provide moisture and protection from predators.
  2. Damaged wood: Termites consume wood from the inside out, leaving a thin veneer and a honeycomb interior. Tap wooden structures to check for hollow sounds, and inspect for blistering or darkening.
  3. Frass: Drywood termites produce small, pellet-like droppings called frass, which can accumulate near infested wood.
  4. Swarmers: Winged termites, or alates, emerge in large numbers to mate and start new colonies. Finding discarded wings near windowsills or light sources is a strong indication of termite presence.
  5. Tight-fitting doors and windows: Warped wood caused by termite damage can make doors and windows difficult to open and close.

What Do Termites Sound Like?

Termites are often referred to as ‘silent destroyers’ because they consume wood quietly. However, if you listen closely, you might hear faint clicking or rattling sounds coming from your walls, especially at night when the house is quiet. Termites chewing through wood or soldiers tapping their heads to signal danger are the two main causes of this noise.

How to Check for Termites

Conducting a thorough visual inspection can help detect termite activity. Focus on areas where wood meets the ground, around foundations, and inside crawl spaces. Use a flashlight to examine dark corners and crevices.

Consider hiring an expert pest control company like Drymaster for a more thorough evaluation. We have the tools and expertise to identify and address termite infestations effectively.

What Attracts Termites?

Termites are attracted to several factors in and around your home:

  • Moisture: Termites thrive in moist environments. Leaky pipes, improper drainage, and high humidity create ideal conditions for termites.
  • Wood: Wooden structures, furniture, and debris provide food sources for termites.
  • Cracks and crevices: Small gaps in foundations and walls can allow termites entry into your home.

How to Prevent Termites

Preventing termites involves making your home less attractive to these pests. Here’s how to keep termites away:

  1. Eliminate moisture: Fix leaks, ensure proper drainage, and use dehumidifiers in damp areas.
  2. Reduce wood contact with soil: Keep wood, including firewood and lumber, off the ground and away from your home’s foundation.
  3. Seal entry points: Caulk cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior, especially around pipes and utility lines.
  4. Maintain your yard: Keep vegetation trimmed and away from your home. Remove stumps, dead trees, and other potential termite food sources.
  5. Regular inspections: Schedule annual termite inspections with a professional pest control service to catch problems early.

How to Get Rid of Termites

If you already have a termite problem, prompt action is crucial. Here are effective methods on how to get rid of termites:

Chemical Treatments

  1. Liquid termiticides: These are applied to the soil around your home, creating a barrier that kills termites on contact. They can also be used to treat active infestations directly.
  2. Termite baits: Bait stations are placed around your home’s perimeter. Termites consume the bait and share it with the colony, leading to its gradual elimination.

Natural Treatments

  1. Heat treatments: Raising the temperature of infested wood to a lethal level can effectively kill termites without chemicals.
  2. Nematodes: These microscopic worms can be introduced to the soil, where they hunt and kill termites.
  3. Boric acid: Sprinkling boric acid around your home can help repel termites and kill those that come into contact with it.

Professional Pest Control

Professional treatment is often necessary for severe infestations. Drymaster Carpet Cleaning offers expert pest control services to ensure termites are eliminated and prevented from returning. Learn more about their services on the Gold Coast and Brisbane.

How to Treat Termites in Specific Areas

In the House

Treating termites involves both direct and preventive measures. Here’s how to treat termites in house:

  • Apply liquid termiticides: Around the foundation and inside walls.
  • Use termite baits: Around the home’s perimeter.
  • Repair and replace: Damaged wood should be repaired or replaced to prevent further infestation.

In Walls

Termites in walls can cause significant structural damage. Here’s how to treat termites in walls:

  • Inject liquid termiticides: Into the wall voids.
  • Use foam treatments: That expand and fill the voids, killing termites on contact.

In Trees

Termites can also infest trees, posing a risk to nearby structures. Here’s how to get rid of termites in trees naturally:

  • Remove infested wood: Prune and dispose of infested branches.
  • Apply nematodes: To the soil around the tree.

What Kills Termites?

Several methods can kill termites effectively. Here’s what kills termites:

  • Chemical treatments: Such as fipronil or imidacloprid, applied directly to infested areas.
  • Boric acid: Applied around the home and in infested areas.
  • Heat treatments: Raising temperatures to lethal levels.
  • Nematodes: Natural predators of termites.

What Kills Termites Instantly?

For immediate results, here’s what kills termites instantly:

  • Direct application of termiticides: Such as fipronil or imidacloprid.
  • Boric acid: Applied directly to infested areas.
  • Heat treatments: Raising temperatures to lethal levels.


Termites pose a serious threat to homes in Australia, but with proper identification, prevention and treatment strategies, you can protect your property. Regular inspections and proactive measures are key to keeping termites at bay.

For professional help, Drymaster offers comprehensive pest control services tailored to your needs. Don’t wait for termites to cause extensive damage; contact us for a free quote and ensure your home remains termite-free. We have pest control services on the Gold Coast, water damage restoration services on the Sunshine Coast and more.

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