Your choice of
Dry Or Steam
Drymaster provides the ultimate Leather Cleaning Service. Our service uses a leather cleanser which is applied to remove all soiling from the surface of the leather hide. We also nourish and protect your leather sofa.
We are happy to offer you our leather cleaning services in all areas that we provide our carpet cleaning. Having a professional clean your leather sofas will both extend the life and remove any unpleasant odours.
It is important to have not just your carpets cleaned professionally every now and then, but also your sofas. Your carpets and sofas get used a great deal in everyday life which makes them susceptible to stains and to start losing their original colour.
Here at Drymaster we aim to get Leather sofas looking brand new again, removing all stains and revitalising the original colour. We use all the latest technology and equipment so you’re guaranteed great results.